Monday, February 18, 2013

Delectably, Delicious Writing

Hello friends!

This week's post is about some descriptive writing that I did with my fifth graders. They wrote some awesome pieces after brainstorming on Popplet, writing their rough drafts in Notabilty, having their writing edited within Notability, making corrections, and then submitting them to our Posterous page for final grading.

Here are the apps we used:

Once the kids had finished their work, I used this writing to make a new hallway display. I made the Hershey Kisses for their writing from poster board wrapped in tin foil. The Kisses tags are made from tissue paper and blue markers. It made for such a cute display! 


I am also including my grading rubric that I used for this assignment, in case you were to "borrow" it. Keep on sharing!
Hope you have enjoyed this new addition to my blog!  I will be posting soon!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Body Organs App

We have been doing a body systems unit in Science and I was very limited in my classroom resources. I was extremely grateful for the Body Organs App for the iPad. I had the students play around on this app for about 30 minutes to explore the different systems and organs. It reads the information to them and has detailed descriptions and fun facts of all of the organs and systems. They used their headphones to listen to the app, so the room was very quiet. Overall, they really enjoyed it and were very engaged by the different cool facts. I would recommend this to someone working with fifth grade for sure! ;)

The icon looks like this.             Here is a screenshot of one of the pages.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Polygon Alphabet Follow Up

Hey everyone!

I realize I am posting a ton right now, but that is because I haven't done it in two weeks. I am playing crazy amounts of catch up. Remember how I mentioned our Polygon Alphabet project? I said that I would post pictures of some completed work when they were done, too, right? Well, they are complete! They have done a great job! Look for yourself! :)

Teaching About Public vs. Private Posting

My students all received One-to-One iPads this week and are getting to do so many cool things. I wanted to share some of these iPad ideas with all of you.

You can see some of their work on our class Posterous site, Mrs J's Class. I'm trying to teach my students about private vs. public domain spaces and show them that the things they post can be viewed by people all over the world. They would really appreciate if some of my followers left comments on their pages to prove that people do see their work. We are using Posterous as a place to put our completed work, so check back often to see what we are doing.

They are also using as a classroom social learning site. I love this resource! I can post homework assignments for the kids to do on their iPads and they can complete and turn in the work online. I could not be happier with this site. Since this one is strictly for our class, I have made this one private, so unfortunately, you can't see it... Sorry, folks!

That's it for now! :)

Pep Talk from Kid President!

This is the cutest motivational video I have seen in a very long time! Take a peek!


Aren't we all on the same team? I want to be on the road that leads to Awesome! What will be your Space Jam? We all need a little encouragement! Let's get out there and dance! :)